The Corey James Memorial Good Time Benefit – History

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Corey James Good Time Benefit Timeline
Corey James Good Time Benefit Timeline
2009 A small gathering in a backyard with about 25 people. Two bands and an open mic provided great entertainment. Pizza and soda were simple choices but enjoyed by all. A laid back affair with folks hanging out, swimming, playing corn hole and listening to music. A handful of raffle prizes were distributed and a 50/50 raffle had one big winner. All in all a success in raising $683 and some school supplies for a single unemployed mom of two boys. She anonymously received the money and it allowed her to stay in the home she was about to be evicted from.
2010 The start of the Corey James Memorial Good Time Benefit in a cul-de-sac in Greer. A larger crowd enjoyed two bands Krooked Blaze and The Pedestrians as well as some carnival fair with a dunk tank and hammer strike. This new tradition was enjoyed by almost 100 people raised $3200 that was anonymously donated to a young man suffering from prostate cancer. The check arrived the day before their insurance was set to lapse as they could not make the payment and only a week before a scheduled treatment.
2011 The debut of Greer’s own Milli Fungus along with three other bands including Ernest Arnold, The Happy Endings Band and John Nelson and our good buddy Mark Dye of The Work. Jeff Holland led a drum circle with drummers and beginners sided by side. Good food and games entertained a crowd of just over 100 and raised about $3800 for a young boy suffering from Neuroblastoma.
2012 The debut of the Good Time Benefit stage offered several bands including the debuts of Noel Riddle, Mac Hobbs and John Durham. a great day that started with rain and cleared out bringing sunny skies as the benefit started made for a really special day. Lots of games and prizes were enjoyed by about 125 people. Just under $5000 dollars was donated anonymously to a young many suffering from osteosarcoma and one of our sponsors send the family to the beach for a week. Oddly enough we found out that the family had just recently cancelled a reservation at the beach made prior to their sons diagnosis. So the family was able to enjoy some family time during a tough spell.
2013 Another great year that included the debut of Quasiphonics(a John Durham project) and Four14. A great day with perfect weather and awesome music. Likely 175 people came through and helped to raise $5500 for a young boy suffering from cancer in his legs, jaw and lungs who had been through almost 50 surgeries by age 12. The money was anonymously sent and helped with travel and surgery that had to be in Maryland.
2014 The Good Time Benefit was in full swing for 2014 with Noel Riddle and open mic, The USC Upstate jazz ensemble, John Durham & Friends, Four14 and Milli Fungus created an eclectic day of music. A great day that also included wonderful weather and food catered by The Savoury Corner . The day generated a crowd of 200 and raised $6000 for a family with a daughter suffering from cancer and whose house had just burned down.
2015 A beautiful fall day offered lots of family fun with inflatables games and lots of great music. We were thrilled to add the talents of Kelly Jo & Buffaloe and Darby Wilcox to our stage as well as our new friends The LOZ Band. With great food catered by The Wild Ace and large prizes raffled off helped to make a great day for our first time sending an anonymous check to a family referred by a perennial donor. Right at $6000 was sent to this young man suffering from cancer and when we last heard he was cancer free and recovering well.
2016 Benefit was great fun and all involved enjoyed a special day. We were lucky to add the likes of Russ Moore and the debut of Pink Lavender as well as some of our annual favorites in Noel Riddle, The LOZ Band and Four14. Dylan Looper brought incredible magic that entertained all ages. A wonderful day was had and effective after two rain dates pushed the event back. $5000 was sent to a local family with a daughter suffering from osteosarcoma whom since the event we have found out is now cancer free.
2017 This past years benefit was the largest ever with a new venue in downtown Greer. The event was held April 22nd at Wild Ace Pizza and it was a beautiful day. We had two large inflatable’s for the kids and 8 bands entertained the audience all afternoon and evening under our big tent. Dylan Looper again impressed with unbelievable magic that entertained all ages. We sold more tshirts and apparel than in past years with the newly designed “Goodstock” theme and had more in attendance with the larger venue. $8000 was raised and was distributed to the families of two children with brain cancer, one with Cushing’s disease, and one family who’s military father died suddenly with a brain tumor leaving 3 children and their mother behind. We were also able to book a trip for one child with an inoperable brain tumor a meeting with his racing idol, Jimmy Johnson and tickets to see the Coca-Cola 600 in May. Our 2016 candidate, Bella has been a true blessing as she started her own benefit from a portion of our donation to her family and we follow her closely now.
2018 The benefit continues to grow larger each year in both attendance and money raised. This years’ event was held April 28th at Wild Ace Pizza and the weather was perfect! Eight music acts including Noel Riddle, FattKattMatt, Doug Jones, Russ Moore, Off Duty Band, Kelly Jo and Buffalo, Fozzy and Fellas, and Four 14 generously played to a packed audience. Floyd, Stanley and Tony smoked Boston butts all day long Saturday feeding those who attended as well as those who picked up dinners for home. Daniel Howell of Ice Age carved a Corey James logo ice carving for us and also sculpted a signature guitar out of ice for all to see how ice carving is performed. A live painting was created by Dumah Morgan that everyone watched in awe until it’s completion and then the final painting was auctioned off for the benefit. Face Painting and 2 inflatable’s kept the kids entertained and happy and the 501st Star Wars Troop showed up in full gear to entertain all ages and pose for photo ops. Several vendors supplied wares such as homemade soaps, wreaths, paintings, clothing, desserts and more that allowed guests to shop while listening to the tunes. Overall we raised more than $12,000 and were able to sponsor 4 different children suffering cancer and brain tumors. Ally, 10 years old with a brain tumor, Amari, 3 years old diagnosed with childhood cancer, and Tyler, suffering a brain tumor.
2019 – The event had record attendance and money raised with over $25,000 to donate to 4 different childrens’ families. This years’ event was held April 27th at Wild Ace Pizza and the weather was perfect! Eight music acts including Noel Riddle, Doug Jones, FattKattMatt, Funk Shua, Heckman band, Kyle Rowland Four 14 Friends generously played to a packed audience. We sold almost 30 Boston Butts and Floyd, Stanley and Tony smoked them all night/day feeding those in attendance as well as those who picked up dinners for home. Daniel Howell of Ice Age carved a Corey James logo ice carving for us and also sculpted a signature airplane out of ice for all to see how ice carving is performed. Tie Dye station allowed all the kids including all four candidates to make their own Corey James t-shirt and was very popular as well as the face painting and 2 inflatable’s. Several vendors supplied wares such as homemade soaps, wreaths, paintings, clothing, desserts and more that allowed guests to shop while listening to the tunes and they all donated back to the benefit! Overall we were able to sponsor 4 different children suffering cancer and brain tumors with $6,000 each after all expenses. Our kids were Nylah, age 3, diagnosed with Leukemia, Zoe, age 5, suffering from HLH autoimmune Disease, Ellie, age 7, battling her second round of childhood cancer and Maddie, age 4, diagnosed with Leukemia.
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